Buckle Up

Quite a while back, I started making this three piece unit. Then my sewing machine was acting up. I cleaned it, changed the needle and oiled it. It didn’t help much. Sew, I tried every tension combination possible and that didn’t help either. I put the project on hold.

Sew … Recently I had my baby, aka sewing machine, in the repair shop. I buckled it into the back seat on the way down to the mechanic and home. When I picked it up, the repair man told me that I got it tuned up just in time because they aren’t servicing machines over 10-years old anymore. The reason being due to the fact that there’s too many machines and not enough repairmen. I knew my machine was over ten years old, but I did some ‘goes-in-tas’ and it’s about 25-years old!! An antique right before my eyes!!

Luke 10:2 These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.

In the meantime while the machine was in the shop, I worked on my selvage spools doing a few things that didn’t need the machine. Here, trimming the spools.

Tearing a few side pieces.

With the machine cleaned and serviced, it was time to sew again.

A spool of brown thread.

Blue thread is a must.

First row together.

John 6:12 And when everyone was full, He said to His disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over, so that nothing will be wasted.”

Had to get a picture of my lupine.

We’re having a heatwave and it’s not even summer yet!!

Back in my sweatshop and I finished the rows on my spools. Now to find the right back fabric for it.

Looking for some summer reading? Find it right here.

COPYRIGHT © Jeanne Bugbee and The Lord Supplies, The Nose Bump Blog, 2017 to date.  Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeanne Bugbee, The Lord Supplies and The Nose Bump Blog.  The Nose Bump blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. *Addendum to my copyright, I don’t have a say in what wordpress is advertising at the bottom of my blog pages, so it appears that it is something I support, which I may or may not. **And now, having seen a few, there’s precious few I support. *** Time lapse, I’ve just noticed they are now putting the ads throughout the blog, I’m so sorry for the annoyance.

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This blog is designed to help others that may be going through the same 'nose bump' or basal cell carcinoma, that I am going through and provide inspiration along the way.

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