Guild Homework

Sew, I decided to make a mock-up of the quilt square the Guild President gave us for the pattern, ‘Churn Dash’ also called, ‘Monkey Wrench.’ Actually there are about twenty other names for this block. Half-square triangles (HST) are first. Pile ready to be pressed toward the dark. Pressing. Side rails. Cut at 4 1/2”. … Continue reading Guild Homework

The Pileup

John 6:12-13  When they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing will be lost.”  So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten. Sew, after finishing ‘Orange You Glad,’ I had a … Continue reading The Pileup

Sawtooth Star

This month at the guild meeting the president gave us the third block of the month square directions, actually the fifth as the first two each were back-to-back with two patterns each. This month was only one. It’s called Sawtooth Star. It’s basically a star in a star. I started with the center block. Since … Continue reading Sawtooth Star