The Consultation


Matthew 9:12  On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”

The meeting for the second consultation was scheduled for Thursday, maybe they only work on Thursday, that’s when all the appointments have been.  After getting checked in and passing the bp test, 122/76, the new EN&T doc arrived and checked the nose bump all over again.  He asked if they did the biopsy and I said no, so he said, “I’ll take a slice right now, if that’s okay.”

He got out a needle, that didn’t look like any of my sewing needles, and proceeded to numb the nose bump.  Then he took the slice, put something on it to stop the bleeding, gave me some ointment for it and sent me on my way.  The follow-up and pre-op would be scheduled for the next week.

One thing he asked was how long the nose bump had been there and I couldn’t really remember because time seems to fly by these days.  Since then, one of the interesting facts I read on the Mayo Clinic site, (Google gave me another million or so, but right now I only have time to read one, so I picked Mayo Clinic) is that skin cancer starts below the skin, is slow to develop and could take decades to appear.  It also says usually not appearing until after the age of fifty.

Another interesting cause of skin cancer is due to ultraviolet radiation from tanning beds.  Research shows people that begin using a tanning bed before the age of 35 increase the risk of getting melanoma by 75%.

Men are also at a higher risk than women to get basal cell carcinoma.   When you think about it, it makes sense since there are many more men working in outside jobs during the heat of the day; construction workers, highway crews, roofers and of course farmers.

This is where I suppose you are supposed to say something like, ‘the following may contain graphic photos,’ in case you have a weak stomach.  I’ve debated with myself whether or not to do take this type a flattering ‘selfie,’ but I think the purpose of this blog is to help someone else that may find themselves in the same situation.  My case is probably more complicated than most because I neglected it figuring it was old age creeping up on me.


Isaiah 41:10  So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  

Since getting ‘the diagnosis’ I haven’t done too much research on it.  I may Google it just to add definitions, facts and figures for more information as each procedure goes on.  Or better yet, add a link to cases per year according to the American Cancer Society.

The nose bump before the consultation selfie!!



© Jeanne Bugbee and The Lord Supplies, The Nose Bump Blog, 2017 to date.  Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeanne Bugbee, The Lord Supplies and The Nose Bump Blog.  The Nose Bump blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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This blog is designed to help others that may be going through the same 'nose bump' or basal cell carcinoma, that I am going through and provide inspiration along the way.

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