The New Guy


Isaiah 43:18-19  “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

While I was at the appointment that the doc told me he was leaving, I asked him something like, ‘how will the new guy know that?’

The doc said, “he’ll read it in the file.”

I said, “well … that won’t tell him much, if he really wants to know me, he should read the nose bump blog.”

In my mind, all the file says is something like, ‘elderly woman had an 1/8″ nose bump, had a long surgery, removed a tumor the size of a pea, strangely – – – stitches miraculously healed because she put Bag Balm on them; and, the new and improved nose bump looks lovely.’


Acts 28:30  For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him.

And just as quickly as the doc came into my life, he left.  A friend wrote me and said, ‘he was in your life when you needed him the most.’

Acts 21:6  After saying goodbye to each other, we went aboard the ship, and returned home.

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.

One day I went to Walmart and as I was going in a man with a hospital name tag badge on was coming out.  I said to myself, ‘I bet he’s the new guy.’  The next appointment was still a couple months away,  so I charged my mind to remember what he looked like.  A few days later I was scooting around online and found that the new doc had arrived.  I think it was him.

My cousin and I shared the ‘old’ doc (and I suppose ten thousand other patients too) and we liked him very much.  We both wondered if the new doc would pass the muster.  Maybe a month later I was at a family event and my cousin had just had an appointment with the new guy and he liked him.  We shared some doc stories and decided we’d give the new doc a fighting chance.


Titus 3:15  Everyone with me sends you greetings.  Greet those who love us in the faith.  Grace be with you all.

There were some very important questions I felt like I needed the new guy to answer.  Like, what’s your stance on Bag Balm?  And, what do you do in your spare time?  I didn’t want him stressed while operating on me.  What if I have a nose emergency?  Another question I needed to know was how he feels about being a subject in the nose bump blog.  After all, a doc in blog is about the fourth most popular character in the nose bump blog.

I was both hesitant and excited to meet the new guy.  With my list of twenty-seven questions in hand, I headed to the appointment.


Romans 15:13  So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him.  May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The appointment ended up not being with the new guy.  The receptionist asked me if it was okay if it was the other Doctor.  I asked her, ‘does he know anything about noses?’  We both laughed a bit and she said he’d be with me in a couple minutes.  In the waiting room I noticed the new guy going into the reception area.  It was the guy I had seen a couple months ago at Walmart.  I didn’t get a chance to talk to him and welcome him to the County.  Since I didn’t officially meet the new guy, the jury’s still out on him.

The appointment ended up being with the original doc that had said he was pretty sure the nose bump was basal cell carcinoma, scheduled and then canceled the biopsy, and had wanted to send me to Las Vegas, remember him?

He looked through my file and asked the nurse where the pictures were.  She told him there were no pictures.  He kept looking.  I almost told him what doc had told me, that he had something like a photographic memory and the ‘before, during and after pictures’ were in the memory bank in his head, but I didn’t.

I did tell him that I had some great pictures in The Nose Bump Blog that he might look at, but he didn’t seem overly interested in seeing them, or the blog.  What do you suppose is wrong with him!?!  Everyone is interested in The Nose Bump Blog!!  Especially the more graphic pictures.

Since it didn’t seem like he had read my file, I explained to him that doc had done a wonderful job and told him what he did with the flap surgery.  He actually seemed confused at first, thinking the doc did the flap differently.  Maybe I didn’t use the right technical medical terms, but after I explained it again, he looked it all over and agreed my doc had done a wonderful job.


Isaiah 38:16  Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health.  You restore my health and allow me to live!

I asked this original doc if he remembered me.  Reminding him that when I first met him he had wanted to send me to Las Vegas, Atlanta, etc., and he said he did remember me.  With tens of thousands of patients I’m not so sure he did remember me, but maybe.  How many nose bump patients could there possibly be in the area?  He explained how he consulted with my doc and how he had been willing to take my case.  We had a nice talk and he said I would still have some more settling for another year and would make an appointment with the new guy to see me next year.

Excitedly I asked, ‘so doc did such a great job that I’ll live another year?’  He said, ‘yes.’  I tried to trick him and said, ‘I’ll have to write doc a note and tell him the fabulous news, what’s his new address?’  He didn’t fall for it.  My doc is like my résumés – – – out in cyberspace someplace.  I think he’ll be the next contestant on Survivor.  His whereabouts is TOP SECRET.  I might have to call him on my shoe phone!!  I’ll still send him a note.  He loves my notes.

While I was doing a post a day to promote #MayIsSkinCancerAwarenessMonth, I came across the free “SpotSkinCancer” screenings and wanted to see if the doc could let the right people at the hospital know to set one up for this area.  I had forgotten to ask my doc before he left, but the conversation seemed to lead right into it with this original doc.  He said it was a good idea and would tell someone else that was in charge of things like health fairs.

As I was checking out and getting my appointment for the next year with the new guy, another woman came into the reception area and said the #SpotSkinCancer screenings was a great idea and she would see what she could do to get the ball rolling.  Yeahhh!!  I’m saving the world, one nose bump at a time!!


3 John 1:2  Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is. 



© Jeanne Bugbee and The Lord Supplies, The Nose Bump Blog, 2017 to date.  Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeanne Bugbee, The Lord Supplies and The Nose Bump Blog.  The Nose Bump blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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This blog is designed to help others that may be going through the same 'nose bump' or basal cell carcinoma, that I am going through and provide inspiration along the way.

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