The Bread and Butters vs The Dills

Numbers 11:5 We remember the fish which we used to eat free in Egypt, the cucumbers and the melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic,

Pickles are such a great condiment! One of my favorites are Bread & Butter Pickles. Another favorite would have to be Dill Pickles. Each different pickle I have specific meals I usually have to compliment the dishes. Like cranberry jelly with Thanksgiving dinner.

And yes, I made both this year. I cut each recipe in half based on the amount of cucumbers I had. Sometimes I think I should have made more, but these should be enough to last through until next pickling season.

I didn’t have any fresh dill so I used dill seed. I also crushed about ten cloves of garlic instead of using just one clove.

It says to let them cure at least a week before opening. I’m thinking 2-3 days!!

When I am looking for a good old fashioned recipe, I always turn to some of Gram’s old Star Cookbooks. Some of the recipes are even hers!!

“Peel your onion and shed a tear For pickling time is drawing near.”

Another favorite of mine are Mustard Pickles. I haven’t made any yet this year because I have a few jars still. However, I still might make some, the season is early!!

As it turned out I had enough tomatoes, onions and peppers left so I decided to make Salsa. I had a little disaster. When I put the first spoonful of salsa in the jar, the jar exploded. A first for me, I’ve never had a jar explode before. I’m pretty sure it was sterilizing long enough for the change in heat. Probably a flaw in the jar.

I nearly cried loosing a jar with the shortage going on and having to throw out some delicious Salsa, but it had to be.

Is it wrong to have a meal of Bread and Butters right out of the jar? As an FYI, this was not part of my table etiquette units!!

Maybe I could pickle my sunflower seeds?

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This blog is designed to help others that may be going through the same 'nose bump' or basal cell carcinoma, that I am going through and provide inspiration along the way.

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